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Allentown, PA Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners insurance is an essential part of owning a home, and Allentown, Pennsylvania, is no exception. Homeowners in Allentown face various risks, including natural disasters, theft, and liability claims, which can result in significant financial losses. In this article, we'll take a closer look at homeowners insurance in Allentown, including average premiums and common risks.

Average Home Insurance Premium in Allentown, PA

According to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), the average homeowners insurance premium in Pennsylvania is $972. However, this can vary depending on several factors, including the value of the home, the deductible amount, and the coverage limits.

In Allentown, the average cost of homeowners insurance is slightly higher than the state average, with an annual premium of around $1,200. However, this can also vary depending on the specific location, age, and condition of the home, as well as the policyholder's claims history and credit score.

It's essential to note that homeowners insurance is not a one-size-fits-all product, and policyholders should carefully review their policy's terms and coverage to ensure it meets their needs.

Home Insurance Cost: Allentown vs Other PA Cities

To provide a comparison of home insurance premiums in Allentown, PA to the other five largest cities in Pennsylvania, we can look at data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) for 2018, the most recent year for which data is available. The following table shows the average annual home insurance premiums for Allentown, PA and the other five largest cities in Pennsylvania:

CityAverage Annual Home Insurance Premium

As we can see from the table, Allentown has a slightly higher average annual home insurance premium than Pittsburgh and Erie, but a slightly lower average annual home insurance premium than Philadelphia, Reading, and Scranton. It is worth noting that home insurance premiums can vary widely based on factors such as the size and age of the home, the materials used in the construction of the home, the location of the home, and the level of coverage selected, among other factors. Therefore, these average annual home insurance premiums should be taken as a general guide and not a definitive comparison for all homeowners in these cities.

What Home Insurance Covers in Allentown

Standard homeowners insurance policies in Allentown, PA typically include several coverages to protect against common risks. These coverages may include:

  1. Dwelling Coverage: This coverage protects the physical structure of the home, including the roof, walls, and foundation, against covered perils, such as fire, wind, and hail damage.
  2. Other Structures Coverage: This coverage protects structures on the property that are not attached to the main dwelling, such as sheds, garages, and fences. Other structures coverage is usually limited to a percentage of the dwelling coverage limit, typically 10%.
  3. Personal Property Coverage: This coverage protects personal belongings, such as furniture, clothing, and electronics, against covered perils, such as theft and fire.
  4. Additional Living Expenses Coverage: This coverage provides financial assistance for temporary living expenses, such as hotel bills or rental costs, if the home becomes uninhabitable due to a covered loss.
  5. Liability Coverage: This coverage protects the homeowner in the event that they are found liable for injury or property damage to others. This can include medical expenses, legal fees, and court costs.
  6. Medical Payments Coverage: This coverage provides payment for medical expenses incurred by individuals who are injured on the homeowner's property, regardless of who is at fault. Medical payments coverage is typically limited to a specific dollar amount per person and per incident.

It's important to note that homeowners insurance policies may have limits and exclusions, and homeowners may need additional coverage for certain risks, such as flooding, earthquakes, or high-value items, like jewelry or artwork. Homeowners should review their policy with their insurance agent or broker to ensure they have the right coverage for their needs.

Common Risks in Allentown, PA

Allentown's climate and location can pose various risks to homeowners, including severe weather, property damage, theft, and liability claims. Below are some of the common risks homeowners in Allentown face and how homeowners insurance can help protect against them.

1. Severe Weather

Allentown is prone to severe weather, including thunderstorms, snowstorms, and occasional hurricanes. These weather events can cause property damage, including roof damage, siding damage, and flooding.

Homeowners insurance typically covers property damage caused by severe weather, including wind and hail damage. However, flooding caused by natural disasters, such as hurricanes, is usually excluded from standard policies and requires separate flood insurance.

2. Property Damage

Homeowners in Allentown may also face property damage caused by various factors, including fire, vandalism, and accidents. These events can result in significant repair costs and can sometimes render a home uninhabitable.

Homeowners insurance typically covers property damage caused by fire, smoke, vandalism, and other perils. It can also provide coverage for additional living expenses, such as temporary housing, if the home becomes uninhabitable.

3. Theft

Allentown has a relatively high crime rate compared to other Pennsylvania cities, which increases the risk of burglary and theft. Home insurance can provide coverage for stolen or damaged personal property, including electronics, jewelry, and other valuable items.

Policyholders should review their policy's coverage limits for personal property and consider adding additional coverage if necessary.

4. Liability Claims

Homeowners in Allentown can also face liability claims if someone is injured on their property. For example, if a guest falls and injures themselves on an icy driveway or slips on a wet floor, the homeowner may be held liable for medical expenses and other damages.

Homeowners insurance can provide liability coverage to protect against these types of claims. It can also provide coverage for legal fees and court costs if the policyholder is sued.

Top 20 Home Insurance Companies in Allentown, PA

Here are 20 insurance companies that offer home insurance in Allentown, PA:

  1. State Farm: A well-known insurance provider that offers a variety of insurance products, including home insurance. State Farm has a strong financial rating and a large network of agents.
  2. Allstate: Another well-known insurance provider that offers home insurance. Allstate is known for its innovative tools and resources to help customers manage their policies.
  3. Nationwide: A highly rated insurance provider that offers customizable home insurance policies. Nationwide offers discounts for bundling policies and for customers with protective devices.
  4. Liberty Mutual: An insurance provider that offers a variety of coverage options for homeowners, including dwelling coverage, personal property coverage, and liability coverage. Liberty Mutual also offers a home insurance discount for customers who have home security systems.
  5. Farmers Insurance: An insurance provider that offers customizable home insurance policies with a variety of coverage options. Farmers also offers discounts for customers who have multiple policies with them.
  6. Erie Insurance: An insurance provider that offers home insurance policies with a variety of coverage options. Erie Insurance also offers discounts for customers who have home security systems and for customers who have multiple policies with them.
  7. Travelers Insurance: A highly rated insurance provider that offers customizable home insurance policies. Travelers offers a variety of coverage options, including dwelling coverage, personal property coverage, and liability coverage.
  8. Progressive: An insurance provider that offers home insurance policies with a variety of coverage options. Progressive also offers discounts for customers who have home security systems and for customers who bundle their policies.
  9. Geico: An insurance provider that offers customizable home insurance policies with a variety of coverage options. Geico also offers discounts for customers who have home security systems and for customers who bundle their policies.
  10. American Family Insurance: An insurance provider that offers customizable home insurance policies with a variety of coverage options. American Family Insurance also offers discounts for customers who have home security systems and for customers who bundle their policies.
  11. MetLife: An insurance provider that offers home insurance policies with a variety of coverage options. MetLife also offers discounts for customers who have home security systems and for customers who have multiple policies with them.
  12. Chubb Insurance: An insurance provider that offers customizable home insurance policies with a variety of coverage options. Chubb Insurance also offers discounts for customers who have home security systems and for customers who bundle their policies.
  13. USAA: An insurance provider that offers home insurance policies for active and retired military members and their families. USAA offers a variety of coverage options, including dwelling coverage, personal property coverage, and liability coverage.
  14. The Hartford: An insurance provider that offers customizable home insurance policies with a variety of coverage options. The Hartford also offers discounts for customers who have home security systems and for customers who have multiple policies with them.
  15. Amica Mutual Insurance: An insurance provider that offers customizable home insurance policies with a variety of coverage options. Amica Mutual Insurance also offers discounts for customers who have home security systems and for customers who have multiple policies with them.
  16. Westfield Insurance: An insurance provider that offers customizable home insurance policies with a variety of coverage options. Westfield Insurance also offers discounts for customers who have home security systems and for customers who have multiple policies with them.
  17. AIG: An insurance provider that offers customizable home insurance policies with a variety of coverage options. AIG also offers discounts for customers who have home security systems and for customers who have multiple policies with them.
  18. Safeco Insurance: An insurance provider that offers customizable home insurance policies with a variety of coverage options. Safeco Insurance also offers discounts for customers who have home security systems and for customers who have multiple policies with them.
  19. Hanover Insurance: An insurance provider that offers customizable home insurance policies with a variety of coverage options. Hanover Insurance also offers discounts for customers who have home security
  20. Plymouth Rock Assurance: An insurance provider that offers customizable home insurance policies with a variety of coverage options. Plymouth Rock Assurance is known for its innovative technology, which allows customers to manage their policies and file claims easily. Plymouth Rock Assurance also offers discounts for customers who have home security systems and for customers who have multiple policies with them.

It's important to note that this is not an exhaustive list and there may be other insurance companies that offer home insurance in Allentown, PA. Homeowners should research and compare different insurance providers to find the one that offers the right coverage and pricing for their specific needs.


Homeowners insurance is an essential part of protecting a home and personal assets from various risks, including severe weather, property damage, theft, and liability claims. In Allentown, Pennsylvania, homeowners face specific risks, including severe weather, property damage, theft, and liability claims, which can result in significant financial losses.

The average cost of homeowners insurance in Allentown is slightly higher than the state average, with an annual premium of around $1,200. However, this can vary depending on several factors, including the value of the home, the deductible amount, and the coverage limits.

Homeowners should carefully review their policy's terms and coverage to ensure it meets their needs. It's important to work with a reputable insurance agent or broker to find the right coverage for your home and personal assets. By doing so, homeowners can have peace of mind knowing that they are protected against unexpected events that can cause significant financial losses. Overall, homeowners insurance is a crucial investment for homeowners in Allentown, PA, and should not be overlooked.

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